

Summer school 2024

Scaleup is proud to announce its summer school as a clustering event together with the EIT EU Magnesium, DysCovery and VALORE project summer schools at KTH at Stockholm from 18th to 21st September 2024. Flyer Summer school 2024


Please meet with Henk van der Laan at the TMS Conference, Light Metal session: Tuesday, March 5 11H10 AM

How Can Europe Reduce Offshore Dependence of Its Supply Chain for Critical Metals like Scandium? Henk van der Laan1; Beate Orberger21.    V.I.C. Van der Laan International Consultancy BV 2. CATURA Geoprojects Europe uses around 25% of the World metal production, including critical metals like Sc, Mg, Ti, Sr, Nb and REE’s. However, just around 2 – 3% of the World

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Powder Metallurgy World Congress

HOT TOPICS FOR THE BETTER WORLD:Circular Economy and Sustainability in PM (Reuse, Recycle, Remanufacturing)     Sustainable scandium production from metallurgical residues for securingAl-Sc-Mg powder manufacturing for 3D printing Henk van der Laan1, Beate Orberger2, Yashvi Baria3, Anastasios Kladis4, Pierre Feydi5, Carsten Dittrich6, Efthymios Balomenos7, Bengi Yagmurlu8, Mitja Medved9, Frank Palm10 Van der Laan International Consultancy B.V), The Netherlands (www.vicinternational.eu) Géosciences

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Rare Metal Technology 2023

Prof. Kerstin Forsberg, KTH, Stockholm, Sweden is co-editor of the TME 2023 Conference proceedings: Editors: Takanari Ouchi, Kerstin Forsberg, Gisele Azimi, Shafiq Alam, Neale R. Neelameggham, Hojong Kim, Alafara Abdullahi Baba, Hong Peng, Athanasios Karamalidis Part of the book series: The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series (MMMS) Conference series link(s): TMS: TMS Annual Meeting & Exhibition https://link.springer.com/book/10.1007/978-3-031-22761-5



ScaVanger, Scaleup, Valore and EU Magnesium EIT projects partners were active at the Raw Material Conference 1. A clustering event: A panel discussion on the topic:“How can EU Critical Raw Materials extraction from waste or low-grade ore compete with Asian production?” Download 2. National University of Athens was active at Raw Mat 2023 conferencewith several papers concerend with the Scaleup

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Raw Material Conference 2023, Athens

(28th August to 2nd September) https://www.rawmat2023.ntua.gr/ How can EU Critical Raw Materials extraction from waste or low-grade ore compete with Asian production?  This session will give delegates the opportunity to learn about and discuss with industrial experts. Five experts from SME, large and small enterprises, and consultancies are invited. They represent important economic sectors, scandium and related alloys, gallium, aluminium

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SCALE final results

A presentation of SCALE technologies and breakthroughs.


Scandium in ScaVanger

Scandium (Sc) applications in solid oxide electrolyzer cells, aeronautics and 3D printing are forecasted to increase significantly without a sufficient continuous Sc supply for Europe. ScaVanger is upscaling Sc extraction and purification technologies from various TiO2 pigment production residues. High purity Sc2O3 and ScF3 will be produced at competitive prices in the EU for the EU market. The ScaVanger process

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SCALE pilot in Mytilineos Plant

A new hydrometallurgical pilot unit was built in MYTILINEOS Aluminium of Greece plant under the SCALE project. The pilot unit consists of the leaching section where Bauxite Residue is treated with sulfuric acid to produce a PLS  that is processed in II-VI SIR pilot section unit, where Sc recovery and crude Sc concentrate production takes place. The pilot leaching unit

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